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If you haven't read any previous Dr. Seuss week posts, read here, here and here.
Thursday is a great day to celebrate everyone's favorite mischievous twins, Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Cat in the Hat. It's also easy. I don't know about you but I start to lose steam around Thursday, and I don't want to be burned out before Fun Sock Friday comes!
If you don't have the book, you can watch a read aloud, which I linked below. There is also one season of a Cat in the Hat series on Netflix, and there are Cat in the Hat episodes on the PBS kids app. Of course, you can purchase the book here and the movie here.
Dress up: Today, dress as a twin with someone. Moms and sons, dads and daughters, siblings, friends...anyone can dress the same or similar! Even if you only see each other over zoom. This is a great photo op day!
Treat: Thing 1 and Thing 2 Jello
I said today was going to be easy, and I mean real easy. A cup of red Jello (store bought or homemade) with whipped cream dyed blue on top! For food coloring with no artificial dyes click here. Here is a link for free print-your-own Thing 1 and Thing 2 labels to stick on.
BONUS TREAT: Do you happen to have white chocolate left from Monday? Mix it with some of that food coloring I was taking about above and add it to popped popcorn. Put the blue popcorn in a red cup with one of the labels I linked above. BOOM! Your kids think you are mom of the year! See the picture which inspired my idea below. Need red cups? Click here. *Disclaimer...I don't know if this is going to result in blue hands.*
Premade Jello Cup
Dragon Mama's Jello Cups
Blue popcorn.
Craft: Thing 1 and Thing 2 Handprints.
How cute are these? And if you don't have a canvas, don't worry, it should look equally as good on cardstock or whatever paper you have. And, if you don't have teal paint, blue will work just fine! Click the picture for instructions. :)
Happy Twinning!