There aren't a lot of Thanksgiving classic movies, at least not as many as Halloween and Christmas. But, I think A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving tops them all anyway. It's also great because its gets the kids excited about a holiday that has a lot of "grown up" food. If you haven't seen the movie, Snoopy makes a Thanksgiving meal for Charlie Brown and his friends consisting of popcorn, toast, pretzels and jelly beans. (If you read my blog regularly, you know I love a good salty, sweet popcorn snack; see Hocus Pocus Snack Tray, American Flag Snack Mix.) This snack mix uses all of the same ingredients but swaps out actual toast for Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Stay tuned for other optional tasty swap outs to make this extra fall-flavored. Kids (and adults) can enjoy this mix while watching the movie or as an appetizer or dessert on Thanksgiving! Or, how cute would this be at a Friendsgiving party for kids?
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Popcorn - We used regular homemade popcorn last year and it was perfect. However, my sister and her husband recently gifted me Lesser Evil Pumpkin Spice Popcorn, and I think it would be delicious in this mix. Not sponsored by them, just completely obsessed with the product. I can't find it on Amazon or I would link it!
Jelly Beans - Any mix will do, but did you know Jelly Belly has an Autumn Mix?
Pretzels- I really like that the popcorn and pretzels can balance out the sugar in the other two ingredients, however, if you are having this as a dessert - pumpkin yogurt covered pretzels would be divine. You might be able to find some at Costco for a good price.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dragon Mama
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Popcorn and pretzel, thats a unique combination. I love m&m's with my popcorns but will try them with jelly beans next time. thanks for the tasty idea.
I just love Charlie Brown. I think it is wonderful that you have created this fun Charlie Brown Thanksgiving snack mix to commemorate the season!
I already love to add M&M's to my popcorn but never thought of pretzels! Fun idea!