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I have wanted to create an art cart for my kids for some time now, but there was always a baby/toddler at home who would wreak havoc on it. Not only would it have become completely disorganized, but my walls would be every color of the rainbow! My boys are all finally old enough to respect the space, and ask before opening paint. So, here is my art/homework cart for my boys. It is so much more convenient than my previous storage. The paper was in one cabinet, art supplies in another, pens and pencils in a drawer. (During the pandemic we had an at home school set up, but we've moved since. And, the boys went to in person school all last year, so we didn't need such a set-up.) Now, everything is stored in one convenient cart that can be moved around. My kids usually do their homework at the dining room table and can pull up the supplies right next to them. (I prefer the dining room table so all the kids are close by if they need my help.) My toddler can also pull the cart over to his art easel. When company comes, I can wheel the cart right into the front entryway closet. I made this little video, so you can see what I like to keep on hand for crafts and homework projects. Below the video, I'll go through what exactly I included on each level.
Top Level
Fine Tip Markers
Standard Size Markers
Dry Erase Markers (I use Crayola Washable Dry Erase Markers for school and at home because I've found other dry erase markers to stain, and my kids notoriously come home from school with dry erase marks on their clothes.)
Pencil Sharpener
Craft Popsicle Sticks + Googly Eyes. I am running a little low on the sticks so I will soon stock with more. I love a good popsicle stick craft, if you do too I have few: Shark Mouth, Seashell Frame, Olympic Torch.
Crayons - I've mentioned before I really love Crayola Twistables because they do not break. However, a 24 box of regular Crayola crayons are only 50 cents at Walmart during back to school, so I had to get them. I will probably get some more Twistables as these break. And, I usually add them in Christmas stockings and Easter baskets. Sometimes, we get the scented ones too!
Glue and Glue Sticks
In the Buckets- Colored Pencils, Scissors, Writing Pencils
Middle Level
*This is probably where I can use some organization tips from readers!
Assorted Papers - Copy Paper, Lined Paper, Construction Paper, Cardstock.
Spiral Notebooks
Stapler - debating if the stapler is going to stay. I'm not sure if my 3 year old is going to try to mess with it, and I'm a little concerned about his little fingers.
You may also notice I have a bag of old crayons. We like collect our used broken crayons to make rainbow crayons.
(I also going to put our pretend money, a ruler and math manipulatives here.)
Lower Level
Various types of paints - The paint I use most with my kids is Crayola Washable Paints. But, I do have quite a bit of acrylic paints that are really good for school projects.
Paint Brushes.
Chalk - I like chalk for toddlers learning to write, but also its just fun. If you haven't made chalk paint before I have instructions- DIY Chalk Paint.
Things I did not include
Because the craft cart is primarily for the kids I didn't put things I would use but they can't, like the glue gun. I also prefer they do not use my chalk markers, so I don't want to tempt them with putting them out. You also may notice, I don't have any glitter. I can just imagine the cleanup that might entail. I considered adding our playdough sets to the cart, but we really have quiet a bit of accessories. I don't think we have the room.
Do you have a similar cart or organized cabinet? Am I missing anything? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Back to to School
Dragon Mama
This is such a smart way to keep it organized, but accessible to your kids. I also love the sound of the crayola twistables. Going to pick some up next time I'm at the store! Katie
It is great that you were able to get everything organized! Crafts have a way of working themselves everywhere into a big mess!
I so need this. I can't stand our art cabinet that has 0 organization to it. Also is there really any other team to be on besides Team Logan? ;)
A massive art supply. Very well arranged and organized to look for things needed on a art project
Thanks for sharing that. This will be perfect for my younger daughter.