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Seasonal Sickness Supply Stock Up

Writer's picture: Dragon MamaDragon Mama

Fall is just around the corner, and that means the little ones and their caretakers (us) are likely to experience at least some of the discomforts of cold and flu season. I am so grateful we were spared last year! But, since my kids haven't been sick in 18 months, I needed to restock the supplies necessary to help my boys feel better when they inevitably get sick this fall and winter. No one wants to run to the pharmacy at 2am when a fever strikes and there's no Tylenol in the house. So, take inventory now and stock up on the items you need. It is never fun when kids are sick, but being prepared can ease some of the stress and make them as comfortable as possible while you nurse them back to health.

This article is not intended as medical advice. I am not a medical professional. Please consult your children's doctor before treating any child.

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I always keep multiple thermometers in the house. It never fails someone is sick and one thermometer is missing and the other one has a dead battery. Gather up your thermometers now and check if they are working. Buy spares if you need to, and extra batteries are a must, especially if you have been checking temps more frequently due to Covid.

Fever Reducer

Like thermometers, I always have Children's Tylenol and Motrin on hand. I also have extras to pack for trips. If my oldest son's fever gets to 101 or so...I know there is a good chance he is going to throw up. There is no time to wait on an Instacart order! Talk to your doctor about what fever reducer/pain reliever is best for your child.

FeverFrida Cool Pads

These are so much better than a cool wash cloth, especially for kids who are picky about getting wet. AND, they can last up to 8 hours!

Saline Spray

Whether your child has a dry nose, or snotty nose, you need saline. Saline soothes dry and cracked nasal passages and can loosen up a clogged nose to help the littles get it all out. I personally prefer spray because its fast and effective when you have a child that is unenthusiastic about it, but drops are also available. (Also, some, like Boogie Wipes brand, have scented products that may encourage use.)

Nasal Aspirator

If you have a little one who can't or won't blow their nose, a NoseFrida is a NECESSITY! Gross, but again, a necessity. It is the best way to get the snot out. And don't forget to buy refills. I haven't tried one, but they have electric now too!


If your kids are old enough to blow their nose, do a happy dance, and keep tissues on hand. I really like Boogie Wipes as well. They are gentle on the nose and have saline to help dissolve the nasties in there. Speaking of Boogie wipes, I also linked a gift set that I think is perfect for a stock up because it includes my favorite diaper cream spray. If you haven't tried a spray...oh much gosh it is so convenient. And, you need diaper cream if a baby is sick, trust me! This would also make a great baby shower gift.

Rehydration Drinks

Unfortunately kids can get dehydrated easily while sick. Rehydration drinks or popsicles can help. Ask your doctor what they recommend and how much they should drink.


Of course, you may have to take your little sicky to the doctor, so make sure to have plenty of masks on hand. They may go through a few if they are coughing up phlegm or vomiting.

COVID tests

It is so great they have PCR tests available online. If you want a more inexpensive test, you can buy rapid tests from Walmart to use if your little ones have symptoms. This should help give you an idea if they need a PCR test.


Something else that may be useful, especially during the pandemic is an oximeter. This tell you the child's blood oxygen saturation level. This is good information to provide the doctor when calling in.

Cough Remedy

My children are fairly young, so I personally do not give them cold medication or cough syrup. Something I have used is Zarbees Naturals. It is made with English ivy leaf extract, vitamin C, zinc and natural dark honey. Talk to your doctor before use and remember it is NOT FOR CHILDREN UNDER ONE YEARS OLD due to the honey!

Cleaning Products

This category is self explanatory right? From surfaces to laundry...everything has got to get cleaned...probably multiple times!

Two final items

Two other items that I have found to come in handy is a humidifier and air purifier. (Not necessarily used at the same time and place.) Keep the air moist where your littles are sleeping and maybe clean the air in the common use areas.

I hope everyone stays as healthy as possible this fall and winter. There is a lot of fun to be had! If you haven't downloaded the free printable Fall Fun List. Read it here!

If you have a favorite product, leave it in the comments!

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Sep 20, 2021

All these are great ideas! I use few of them for self and my teens


These are great product for flue and cold season. Hopefully you won’t need them 😊

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